What do the new regulations mean for weddings: the Republic of Ireland? - A Hand Tailored Suit

What do the new regulations mean for weddings: the Republic of Ireland?

Covid restrictions have caused 71% of couples to postpone their wedding with an estimated 50,000 couples impacted by the extension for restrictions. Figures estimate that around 12,500 weddings have been cancelled each week. The restrictions on weddings have impacted 60,000 wedding businesses and over 400,000 wedding workers. Since the sector is worth around £14.7 billion, that's a lot of lost revenue and many impacted lives – from businesses to couples. Many in the sector have been unimpressed that specific guidance hasn't been addressed but the government has recently provided a little more clarity. Here's what the new regulations mean for weddings in the Republic of Ireland after 7 June 2021, 21 June, and, if permitted, in July and August.


Wedding numbers

  • From 7 June, couples are allowed to have up to 25 guests at their wedding
  • From 21 June, the cap on 30 guests will be removed but social distancing must remain in place
  • From 5 July, couples may increase their guest list to up to 50 guests
  • From August, couples may have up to 100 guests attend their wedding


Where weddings can take place

  • Your wedding must take place in a Covid-secure venue
  • Hotel accommodation is permitted for the bride, groom, and guests
  • Soft furnishings like sofas should be removed from the venue to accommodate more social distancing



  • Post-wedding and civil partnership receptions permitted with no restriction on the top table but a restriction of 10 guests per table at other tables
  • The reception must be a sit-down meal only 
  • For drinks receptions, service stations must use physically distance queuing systems
  • Tea, coffee, drinks, and canape stations must be managed by service staff
  • No self-service stations are permitted
  • Canapes must be individual portions
  • Doors should be left open whilst guests are entering the dining area
  • There must be adequate space between customs at each table
  • Hand sanitiser stations should be available and accessible to all guests
  • No shared items are allowed on tables such as water jugs, salt and pepper shakers, and butter dishes – each guest should be served individual potions and sachets where possible
  • Staff must wear face coverings during the meal service
  • No family-style food is permitted (i.e. no shared vegetables, gravy, etc.)
  • Desserts and wedding afters must be served directly on plates to each guest


Music and dancing

  • Dancing is not permitted
  • No specific notes on if the first dance is allowed
  • Live music is not permitted
  • No specific notes if music is permitted at all
  • Photographers are permitted 
  • Novelty supplies and acts are not permitted


Masks and social distancing

  • Guests are allowed to book hotel accommodation
  • Guests must be directed to enter and exit through separate doors, operated manually or by an employee – or propped if fire regulations allow
  • Signage must explain current physical distancing practices
  • Face coverings and masks must be worn by staff in customer-facing roles with other protective measures like screens if physical distancing of 2 metres isn't possible
  • Guests must wear masks when arriving and leaving their table


We will keep you updated on any new developments and our thoughts are with couples who have had to postpone and reschedule multiple times. If you need to order a suit for your special day, get in touch with our talented tailoring team.

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