Meet Our Fabric Range: Vitale Barberis Canonico - A Hand Tailored Suit

Meet Our Fabric Range: Vitale Barberis Canonico

Established in 1663, the Italian fabric company and tailors have been producing some of the finest suit materials for over 350 years. Since their early days, just northwest-of Milan, the Barberis Canonico family have been providing clothing of the highest quality – proof of which can be seen in an order dating as far back as the 17th century for material sent to the Duke of Savoy. Since then, the family business has expanded to become a globally-recognised producer of fine Italian materials, providing materials to a collection of international outlets including yours truly, A Hand Tailored Suit.

The brand claims that ‘excellence is achieved when good taste, good working techniques and experience always bring out the qualities of the raw materials to the same high standards.’  Evidence of such attention to detail can be seen in the careful selection of materials and patterns they offer, a few of which we’ve chosen to look at in more detail.

Pure Wool Sharkskin
Described as a modest material, this 100% wool option is a good choice for a suit that requires versatility. Its subtle veining of colour allows it to be worn through all seasons and recommended matching would be with white or light blue striped shirts alongside colourful ties.

Perennial Birds Eye

A heavier, more executive cut can be gained from this material which boasts an intricate metallic quality to its pattern. Again, it is suited to all seasons, but with the extra weight in the wool it should be saved for professional or formal event suiting.

Graphic Tweed
A fabric which is deemed to possess a masculine air and with odes to flannel. It appears truly unique thanks mainly to its irregular texture. This is borne from the fibres that catch in the warp during production. The result is a 280g weight pearl-flecked wool, which works best for winter.



A Hand Tailored Suit, the tailoring company offering you a slice of London’s Savile Row for a cut of the cost. Bespoke custom clothing for Men, Women & Children, we offer only the finest of cloths from only the finest of cloth merchants from around the world. Call us  IRE +353(0) 1 513 6665 our Irish studio’s in Dublin, Cork and Limerick click here to contact us.

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