Off The Cuff

How To Tie A Double Windsor Tie Knot? - A Hand Tailored Suit

How To Tie A Double Windsor Tie Knot?

The double Windsor knot is a classic style that exudes sophistication and elegance. It's a perfect knot for formal events, job interviews, and important business meetings. While it may look...

How To Tie A Double Windsor Tie Knot?

The double Windsor knot is a classic style that exudes sophistication and elegance. It's a perfect knot for formal events, job interviews, and important business meetings. While it may look...

How To Add A Pocket Watch To A Waistcoat? - A Hand Tailored Suit

How To Add A Pocket Watch To A Waistcoat?

Introduction A pocket watch is a small, portable timepiece that can be carried in your pocket. It's often considered a symbol of wealth and status, and it was once the...

How To Add A Pocket Watch To A Waistcoat?

Introduction A pocket watch is a small, portable timepiece that can be carried in your pocket. It's often considered a symbol of wealth and status, and it was once the...

How To Steam Your Clothes? - A Hand Tailored Suit

How To Steam Your Clothes?

How to Steam out Creases in Your Clothes Are you tired of ironing your clothes every time they get creased? Do you wish there was a better way to get...

How To Steam Your Clothes?

How to Steam out Creases in Your Clothes Are you tired of ironing your clothes every time they get creased? Do you wish there was a better way to get...

10 Ways To Fold A Pocket Square - A Hand Tailored Suit

10 Ways To Fold A Pocket Square

Pocket squares are an essential accessory for any stylish gentleman. They add a touch of elegance to any outfit and are versatile enough to be worn with both formal and...

10 Ways To Fold A Pocket Square

Pocket squares are an essential accessory for any stylish gentleman. They add a touch of elegance to any outfit and are versatile enough to be worn with both formal and...

A Gift Guide With A Hand Tailored Suit - A Hand Tailored Suit

A Gift Guide With A Hand Tailored Suit

We know finding that perfect present can prove tough; but we are here to help you find inspiration at A Hand Tailored Suit for the gift you wish to give...

A Gift Guide With A Hand Tailored Suit

We know finding that perfect present can prove tough; but we are here to help you find inspiration at A Hand Tailored Suit for the gift you wish to give...

Bow Tie Tying Instructions - A Hand Tailored Suit

Bow Tie Tying Instructions

Black bow ties were worn with dinner jackets and white bow ties with evening tails, over the last couple of years bow ties are being worn for everyday wear. A bow tie...

Bow Tie Tying Instructions

Black bow ties were worn with dinner jackets and white bow ties with evening tails, over the last couple of years bow ties are being worn for everyday wear. A bow tie...