Wedding Colours 2021/2022
Wedding Colours 2021/2022
Below is a collage of colours which work very well, together, these are some of the trending colours we are seeing coming through for weddings this year.
Purples, oranges and Yellows all warming colours and sage.
These are the touches of colours which can be tailored into the lining or the buttonhole detail on the lapel or the cuff stitching or even the stitching button thread in your bespoke shirting. The best way add these colours are going bespoke men and Ladies wear if its a special wedding suit or a smart business suit when matching shirt and tie colours. I hope this helps when looking for inspiration.
Navy's, Purples, and Teal's and Lilac's work very well together in rich vibrant colours.
Above are some very vivid colours Orange, Grey and turquoise these are rich striking power colours picture a grey suit with orange lining and turquoise tie with a light grey shirt.
Below is some earth natural colours Light blue, green, beige and brown earth tones can be added into suiting and shirting plus shoes, braces and ties and bowties.
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