Cousin Andrew's Attire in "Death on the Nile"
Andrew Katchadourian, also known as Cousin Andrew, played by Ali Fazal.
Cousin Andrew has been in Linnet Doyle's life since they were children and now, is also the lawyer to the wealthy heiress. The trip to Egypt and the cruise the characters all embark on the Nile river doesn't stop Andrew's work; but not is all as it seems with his motives. His style lends itself to his occupation quite well, sporting many tailored attires in the film and owning the double-breasted cut as his own. Let's take a look at just three of his ensembles in "Death on the Nile".
Outfit #1
We first meet Cousin Andrew in the hotel reception, handing over a to the member of staff behind the desk. Before we know who he is, we can see his has rather impeccable style, sporting a navy blue double-breasted sports blazer. It's finished with gold buttons on the front to convey his profession further, whilst the wide peak lapels are rounded off on the points for a softer and more casual approach. Underneath he wears an ivory or white shirt with a rounded collar that's short in height, but looks to be fastened close together in the centre. His tie is a wide style, striped in design and two shades of blue in colour to make the attire more cohesive. A blue bordered pocket square is folded to a point in the welt pocket, the shoulders softly padded and well tailored across the top.
Outfit #2
Fast forward to the wedding party of Linnet and Simon, we know Cousin Andrew will not let us down with his evening attire for the occasion. For this, he dons a white dinner jacket in his favoured double-breasted cut with six matching fabric covered buttons on the front. The same buttons feature on the jacket cuffs in a three-button style, with his dress shirt cuffs showing by a small amount. Flapped pockets also sit on the front of the jacket with a welt pocket on the chest, his wide peak lapels sitting flat on the chest too, buttonholes included either side. The shoulders are rounded and the fit across the top tailored as his dress shirt is a classic collar choice with black dress studs. The lawyer completes the look with the classic black bow tie and accompanying black tuxedo trousers.
Outfit #3
Aboard the SS Karnak, the mystery is afoot with the world's most famous detective and whilst in an interrogation with Poirot, Cousin Andrew is wearing another double-breasted ensemble, this time in its matching three-piece form. The blazer is finished with six buttons on the front once more as well as his favoured peak lapels, this time sharper on the point. In this chest pocket sits a red pocket square for a pop of colour against this grey two-tone striped suit. The waistcoat is high cut and single-breasted in style as it sits over a grey buttoned shirt and burgundy patterned tie tucked in. The collar gap is narrow on this single cuff design, with other tailoring details included flapped pockets on the jacket front and the fitted tailored line across the shoulders once more.
What was your favourite attire of Cousin Andrew? Be sure to check back on our blog for more classic and of course, sharp tailored attires from the cast of "Death on the Nile".
Feeling inspired to wear such tailored attire as Andrew does in "Death on the Nile"? Get in touch with our tailoring team today!
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