25th April 2021 - Covid-19 Restrictions Lifting Update for Scotland
The Scottish Government has outlined its plan out of lockdown with restrictions easing in April. In the coming weeks and months, the Scottish government plans to put further relaxation measures in place. Let's take a look at what's changing.
Level changes
If everything continues going to plan, by June life in Scotland will almost return to normal.
- 17 May - Level 2
- 7 June - Level 1
- June (late) - Level 0
Currently, Scotland is at Level 3.
Weddings and funerals
Up to 50 people can attend weddings and funerals as long as a safe 2-metre distance can be upheld by the venue. Face coverings should be worn indoors except for the couple getting married and the person leading the ceremony. The person providing a eulogy or leading a funeral does not need to wear a mask.
Travel, entertainment, and social gathering
People can meet in groups of 6 adults from up to 6 households outdoors.
People can travel across Scotland but must not stay overnight.
People can travel for socialising, recreation, and exercise but must stay local for non-essential shopping and hair appointments.
Tourist accommodation like hotels, museums, galleries, and libraries can reopen.
Retail, gyms, and beer gardens (from 26 April)
All retailers, gyms, and beer gardens have opened since Monday, 26 April but businesses that must remain closed at Level 3 include cinemas, theatres, nightclubs, stadiums, and concert halls.
From 5 April, those in Scotland have been allowed to go to the hairdressers and barbers. Shops and close contact services such as beauty treatments, massages, and nail salons have only just reopened from 26 April.
Pubs, bars, cafés, and restaurants can serve people outdoors in groups of 6 from up to 6 households. Alcohol can be consumed without food.
Some indoor hospitality places can reopen with social distancing.
Indoor gyms and pools can reopen for individual exercise.
Cinemas, bingo, and indoor meet-ups (from 17 May)
If restrictions continue to ease to Level 2, other retailers will be allowed to reopen and people can meet up in homes of up to 4 people with no more than 2 households.
Indoor hospitality can resume with two-hour time slots and must be pre-booked.
Indoor and outdoor events can resume such as concerts but with limited capacity.
Outdoor meet-ups will have further restrictions lifted.
Early June (from 7 June)
If Scotland continues to Level 1 and eventually to Level 0, from 7 June, up to 6 people from 3 households can socialise indoors and up to 8 people from 3 households can meet up outdoors. Hospitality can stay open later (until 11 pm). Indoor sport will resume and casinos, funfairs, and soft play can reopen. Increased numbers for weddings will be allowed from June.
So far, Scotland seems to have the least restrictive measures in place. Stay safe.