How To Tie A Neck Cravat Also Known As An Ascot? - A Hand Tailored Suit

How To Tie A Neck Cravat Also Known As An Ascot?

What is a Neck Cravat?

A neck cravat is a type of scarf that you can wear around your neck. It's also known as a neckerchief, ascot tie, or bandanna. The history of this accessory goes back to the 18th century when it was used by British military officers as a way to keep warm and show their rank.
The purpose of this article is to teach you how to tie a neck cravat so that you can look like an elegant gentleman in no time at all!

Types of Neck Cravats

There are many different types of neck cravats. The most basic is the bow tie, which comes in both silk and cotton. The bow tie has a wide variety of uses, from formal wear to casual wear. It can be used as an accent piece or as an entire outfit by itself!
You may also want to consider buying a ascot or jabot if you want something more unique than just a plain ol' bowtie. An ascot is similar to a bowtie in that it's worn around your neck; however, it has no fastening mechanism (like buttons) and instead rests on top of your shirt collar like its namesake--a scarf! Jabots are similar except they have decorations on them such as lace trimming or embroidery work done by hand by skilled tailors who specialize in such things... but again: these aren't necessary unless you're looking for something special--they usually cost quite a bit more than regular ties due their elaborate designs so keep this mind before purchasing one yourself!





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