The Gentlemen: Eddie Horniman
This March, on Netflix, an exciting new series by Guy Ritchie premiered. It's a series that extends the world of his 2020 film The Gentlemen onto television. Although the series has the same name, it features brand new characters and plot lines, but it also has the same Guy Ritchie-esque gangster charm many of us know and love from the movie. Take a look at the trailer below (Warning: very strong language).
The series follows the adventures of the aristocratic Horniman family over eight episodes. After the ninth Duke dies, Eddie Horniman (played by Theo James), soldier and second son, is surprised (as is everyone else) to find that he has inherited the title and estate over his feckless older brother Freddy. Shockingly, it's not the only secret that his father has been hiding. Eddie, the newly minted tenth Duke of Halstead, is stunned to discover that his ancient family holdings are being run as a cannabis farm by a large and powerful gangster family headed by Susie Glass (Kaya Scodelario) in her incarcerated father's absence (Ray Winstone). At first, Eddie tries to extricate himself from the arrangement. However, after discovering Freddy is in debt to the tune of eight million pounds to a bunch of different gangsters, Eddie concedes that the unconventional arrangement is his only way forward. Throughout the series, we see the escapades this somewhat ungentlemanly life (and his brother Freddy's antics) lead him into.
The costumes were curated and designed by LouLou Bontemps (@maisonbontemps). The stories of the Hornimans, Susie Glass, and the other characters are skilfully embedded into each outfit.
Eddie Horniman (Theo James)
Eddie Horniman's wardrobe evolves throughout the series. When we first see him, he has arrived home from active duty as an Army Captain to be at the deathbed of his father. His style is made of quality pieces (of course, coming from an aristocratic background) but definitely shouts "humble soldier." He wanders around our screens in untucked colourful shirts or fitted jumpers paired with plain suit trousers or chinos, often sporting an outdoorsy jacket (think Barbour).
Eddie's style changes over the course of the series as he becomes more comfortable in his role as Duke and as he becomes more and more embroiled in the gangster world that he was unwittingly dragged into. As each episode progresses and Eddie gains confidence and assertiveness, his style slowly evolves into the gentlemanly attire we see at the end of episode eight. Eddie ditches the Barbour jackets, untucked shirts, and chinos and instead opts for a bespoke tailored suit's smarter, dapper, more refined look.
As you can see, Eddie is a very different person in episode eight to the one we meet in episode one.
The Takeaways
Have you watched The Gentlemen on Netflix? Will you be watching? Keep an eye open for the other character's outfit choices and style evolutions. Would you wear any of the pieces displayed by Eddie Horniman?
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