The Ascension Of The Royal Family within England - A Hand Tailored Suit

The Ascension Of The Royal Family within England


The Royal Family in England is a fascinating institution that has a long and storied history. The first King of England was Egbert (802-839), who was also known as EGBERT THE GREAT. He ruled over all of Britain and became famous for defeating the Vikings at the Battle of Edington in 878. His son Alfred the Great continued his father's work by expanding their territory even further than ever before, making them one of the most powerful nations on earth at that time.
The current monarch Elizabeth II has reigned since 1952 when she took over from her father George VI after he died unexpectedly from lung cancer at age 56 while smoking cigarettes all day long every single day without fail throughout his life despite knowing full well how dangerous this behavior could be if done regularly over long periods of time which it seems like he did so maybe next time you're thinking about picking up another pack let me give you some advice: DON'T DO IT!

The Beginnings of the Royal Family

The first king of England was crowned in 1066, and his name was William the Conqueror. He had come from France with an army to fight against King Harold II for control of England. When he won this war, he took over as king and made his family members nobles--the House of Plantagenet began its rise to power in England.
The next few kings were also from this family: Henry I (1100-1135), Stephen (1135-1154), Henry II (1154-1189) and Richard I or "Lionheart" (1189-1199). During their reigns they expanded their land holdings throughout Europe by conquering other countries like Wales and Scotland; they also built castles all over England so they could keep control over their new territory!
By this time there were many nobles who wanted power too--and some even thought that maybe someone else should be king instead! This led up until 1399 when Richard II lost his throne after being overthrown by Henry Bolingbroke IV who became Henry IV 1st Earl Lancaster before taking over completely after Richard II died without an heir."

The Wars of the Roses

The Wars of the Roses was a dynastic conflict that occurred between 1455 and 1487. It was fought between two rival houses: Lancaster (red) and York (white). The Yorkists were led by Richard III, who claimed his right to be king through his mother's descent from Edward III.
The Lancastrians had Henry VI as their leader when he was deposed in 1461 by Edward IV, who then became king himself until his death in 1483 when he passed on power to his son Edward V. However, after only two months on the throne there was an uprising against him led by Richard III (who had been named Lord Protector while young Edward V was still alive). This revolt ended with Richard taking control over England as well as marrying Elizabeth Woodville - widow of King Edward IV - which made their son Prince Arthur heir apparent should anything happen to him before reaching adulthood at age 18 years old."

The Tudor Dynasty

The Tudor Dynasty
The Tudor Dynasty began when Henry VIII became king of England in 1509. During his reign, he established the Church of England and broke away from the Roman Catholic Church. He also had six wives (two of whom were beheaded). One of these wives was Anne Boleyn, who gave birth to Elizabeth I--the most famous monarch during this period.

The Stuarts

James I (1603-1625) was the first Stuart king, and his reign saw a number of important events in English history. The English Civil War began during his reign, when Parliamentarians rebelled against King Charles I's policies. After many years of conflict, Parliament won and Charles was executed in 1649; however, he was later restored to power after the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660.

The Hanoverians

The Hanoverians
The reign of George I (1714-1727) was a time of political instability and economic hardship. His son, George II (1727-1760), was a much more popular king who oversaw an increase in trade and commerce but still faced challenges from within his own family as well as from abroad. The third Hanoverian monarch, George III (1760-1820), saw England through its American War of Independence--and lost America as a result!

The Victorians

In the 19th century, Britain was ruled by Queen Victoria. She was married to Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who died in 1861 at the age of 42. Victoria's reign lasted from 1837 until her death in 1901, making it one of the longest in British history. During this time period, there were several important developments that shaped society's view on royalty:
The Industrial Revolution
Expansion of the British Empire

The 20th Century

The 20th century was a time of great change for the British royal family. Queen Victoria's reign had been peaceful and prosperous, but it was also relatively uneventful compared to what came after her death in 1901. Her son Edward VII became king and ushered in an era of modernization, including industrialization and urbanization that changed the face of England forever.
Edward's son George V took over as king when his father died unexpectedly at age 56 in 1910; he would go on to become one of the longest-reigning monarchs in British history (he reigned until 1936). During his time on the throne, World War I broke out between Britain and Germany--which led directly into World War II when Germany invaded Poland just two years later.

The House of Windsor

The House of Windsor is the current royal family of England. It was founded by Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert, and it has been passed down to their descendants ever since. The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II, who has reigned since 1952.
The Royal Family lives in Buckingham Palace in London, but they also have properties all over Britain and abroad as well as castles that have been passed down through generations of royals (such as Windsor Castle).


The Royal Family has been in power for centuries, and they've managed to maintain their popularity through the ages. The British people have always had a great deal of respect for them, even during times when they weren't so popular with the public.
The Royal Family has played an important role in shaping Britain's history over the last few hundred years--from Queen Victoria's reign through World War II and right up until today. They have also become an important symbol of unity within England itself: no matter where you live or what class background you come from, everyone knows who Queen Elizabeth II is!


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